Indian Costus Marine Powder – Qist al Hindi 40g


Indian Costus Marine Powder – Qist al Hindi, against:

  • Weakness
  • Thrombus
  • Kidney and liver problems
  • Mouth cancer
  • Asthma and tuberculosis
  • Migraine
  • Combating sihr

Mix some COSTUS in a glass of water and drink: against: fusion of the blood clot, conception problems, menstrual problems, urinary diseases, liver diseases, kidney and gastrointestinal problems, oral cancer, good for the brain, exhaustion, immunity, diarrhea + after childbirth), improves appetite, activates the body, against evil.

Mix some COSTUS in a glass of water and drink from one side of the mouth: to treat pleurisy, lung diseases

Inhaling COSTUS through the nose: respiratory system diseases, asthma, tuberculosis, sore throat, fever

Mix COSTUS in olive oil and let it steep for 15 days: ointment for all types of massages

Use as incense:  refreshes and disinfects the body and clothing

Mix with water or honey and ferment: compresses for burns, wounds and all facial problems

Take a bath with COSTUS: kills bacteria and microbes that reside in the most difficult to reach places of the body

WARNING: Costus is not recommended during pregnancy!

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